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Meet our Team: Catherine Weerts

Meet our Team: Catherine Weerts

Meet our Team: Catherine Weerts

Meet Catherine Weerts!

Our go-to legal recruitment consultant for the industry 🏢. Whether you’re seeking the right fit for permanent roles or need the flexibility of legal freelancing, Catherine is your beacon in the complex field of legal staffing 🌟. An experienced skier 🎿, she approaches every challenge with the same vigor and technicity as she hits the slopes.

Armed with a Bachelor of Laws from the Université de Namur 📚 and a Master of Laws from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Catherine added a Master in Intellectual Property and ICT Law at KU Leuven to her quiver before sliding into our team with her drive and enthusiasm 🚀. Clients and candidates appreciate Catherine’s direct, fast, and proactive approach ⚡.

Dive into the Q&A with Catherine to get to know her better!

Q: What is your motto:

A: “If you can dream it, you can do it” (Walt Disney)

Q: Would you describe yourself as more analytical or creative?

A: A mix of yellow and (quite some 😊) red according to Insights Discovery

Q: Share your top 3 hobbies.

Spending time with friends, alpine skiing, listening to podcasts

Q: Describe your day at work in one word.

A: Never a dull moment

Q: What is your favourite food?

A:  Italian and French. Or my go-to dish: my grandmother’s mashed potatoes, paired with a delicious fish and salad.

Q: What’s your secret talent that helps in your job?

A: Punch. No matter what, when I’m in a meeting or on the phone, I always keep my energy high.

Q: What’s the best part of your work environment?

A: Our tight-knit team of strong personalities

Q: What is a unique aspect of your work style?

A:  Clear communication and drive

Q: What’s one hobby you’ve started since working here?

A: I’ve discovered spinning at Animo or Mix. I’ve also dabbled in cooking, although I wouldn’t quite call it a hobby yet.

Q: What part of recruiting do you find to be the most rewarding? 

A: The positive feedback from candidates when they tell me they are happy and fulfilled in their new role.

Q: What’s your favourite series/movie?

A: FC De Kampioenen & Diner de Cons

Q: What’s your favourite office snack?

A: The “Croix Bretonne” pastry from Charli, one of our favourite office artisan bakery suppliers, that Bernard brings every Friday for breakfast.

Q: What’s your favourite travel memory/trip so far?

A: The Easter Island in Chile. It not only gave me the feeling of being at the end of the world, but also the mystique surrounding the island and its statues added to the experience.

Q: How would your coworkers describe you? 

A:  Commercial, reliable, “what you see, is what you get”

Q: Name a skill you’ve gained since joining the team.

A: Stamina and better ability to put things into perspective.

Q: If you could add one thing to the office, what would it be?

A: A gong or a bell to hit for each successfully placed candidate.

Are you looking for a legal profile or vacancy?

Contact Catherine