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Meet Our Team: Piril Eteke

Meet Our Team: Piril Eteke

Meet Our Team: Piril Eteke

Piril, our  Project Specialist, is a tea enthusiast who has a keen interest in latte art ☕.

She moved to the USA 🇺🇸 within a cultural exchange program and ever since then she has become passionate about discovering cultures, places, languages, and people.🌍 She combined her three years solid legal experience at a national law firm in Istanbul with an LL.M at Gent University and translated her communication skills and expertise in legal field to helping people in their career path.

Let’s discover Piril’s preferences both in work and personal life! 🚀


Q: If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?   
A: Artic Tern: This migratory bird travels more than any other animal and symbolizes resilience, adaptability, and a constant pursuit of new horizons.

Q: What’s your go-to productivity hack?  
A: I find rejuvenation through simple activities or rest, allowing for a refreshed perspective and renewed focus, leading to new solutions.

Q: What is your greatest fear?  
A: To get cold!

Q: How do you unwind after a busy day? 
A: If I’ve been mentally busy, then I like to become physically active. Walking in the park is a great one if the weather is good.

Q: Would you describe yourself as more analytical or creative?   
A: I’m like a mixed tape of creativity on the easy mode, but my analytical side? Well, let’s just say it’s my undercover survival tool.

Q: What is your favorite food?  
A: I have a deep appreciation for a yummy soup.

Q: Which working type is the best for you: Remote vs the Office?  
A: I like my own setting at home and find a lot of focus in being alone but I wouldn’t want to always work from home. A mix of both is perfect for me.
Q: What’s your favorite office snack?  
A: Speculoose cookies covered with chocolate. But I usually prefer fruits.

Q: What’s your favorite part of the morning routine?   
A: The first sip of coffee!

Q: What’s your favorite way to wind down on a Friday evening?   
A: As much as I like being spontaneous, gathering with friends or catching up with family abroad is in my top two.

 Q: What motivates you at Steve Skills?  
A: Business and people. We are solution-oriented individuals who value open communication.

Q: How was your first day at work?  
A: It was very exciting!
Q: What’s the best part of your work environment?  
A: Every team member is someone I’d genuinely enjoy spending time with if I met them in a setting outside of the office.

Q: If you could add one thing to the office, what would it be?  
A: Hmm…Candles, just because I like them.
Q: What’s your secret talent that helps in your job?  
A: My secret talent is my adaptability. I thrive in dynamic environments and can quickly adjust to new challenges or changes in priorities, ensuring that I remain productive and effective in many situations.

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