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Integrating Legal Interim Managers into your team: tips for maximising the benefits of freelance expertise

Integrating Legal Interim Managers into your team: tips for maximising the benefits of freelance expertise

Integrating Legal Interim Managers into your team: tips for maximising the benefits of freelance expertise

Whether it’s due to a sudden departure, maternity leave, a spike in workload, or the need for specialised expertise on a temporary project, a Legal Interim Manager can provide critical support and ensure continuity in legal operations.

Legal Interim Management differs from traditional hiring by bringing in highly skilled professionals temporarily to address immediate needs. These freelancers excel at rapidly adapting to new environments, mastering complex legal issues, and delivering immediate results with a strategic focus on long-term objectives.

Imagine, we just found the right Legal Interim Manager for your needs. But how to maximise the benefits of their expertise? The key is to ensure a smooth integration process.

Step 1. Preparing your team for a freelance legal professional

Transparency is crucial when integrating freelancers into your team as it creates a welcoming atmosphere and addresses any concerns upfront.

  • Clearly explain to the team the reasons for hiring a Legal Interim Manager, their role, and the benefits of their presence to both the team and the company.
  • Set specific objectives and responsibilities for the LIM to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Prepare the necessary tools and resources in advance, such as access to legal databases and project management software, to ensure the Legal Interim Manager can work effectively from the start.

Our recruitment consultants are on hand to guide you through the best practices for preparing for your new freelance consultant.

Integrating Legal Interim Managers into your team: tips for maximising the benefits of freelance expertise

Step 2. Onboarding process for Legal Interim Managers

As mentioned earlier, our Legal Interim Managers are experts at seamlessly integrating into new environments and rapidly delivering impactful results. A thorough orientation gives an additional boost to a smooth start: this helps them hit the ground running and promotes a harmonious working environment.

  • Our recruitment consultants will proactively brief the Legal Interim Manager about your organisation, its culture and values, acting as a trustworthy conduit for clear and effective communication.
  • Do not forget to introduce the LIM to your company’s structure, key policies, and current projects: help them understand the internal dynamics and how they can best contribute.
  • Facilitate introductions with key team members and stakeholders early on to help the LIM understand roles and navigate the organisational hierarchy.
  • Establish clear communication channels and a schedule for regular check-ins to ensure ongoing dialogue and support.

We are committed to providing ongoing support and guidance to both you and the legal freelancers throughout their tenure.

Step 3. Addressing the common challenges


It’s common for existing team members to resist change. We listed important points to follow:

  • Encourage open communication and feedback to mitigate resistance. Make sure your team feels their voices are heard.
  • Foster an environment of knowledge sharing and collaboration by promoting the LIM’s expertise through relevant training sessions.
  • Regularly review the integration process and make adjustments as necessary to ensure a smooth transition.

Implementing these recommendations with the assistance of Steve Skills ensures that your organisation benefits from improved efficiency, cohesion, and successful goal realisation.

Step 4. Assessing the impact of the LIM: Plan for the future

Throughout the assignment, assess the future of the freelance legal professional’s role based on meeting immediate needs and long-term company requirements.

  • Ensure seamless knowledge transfer by having the LIM document their work and train team members for continuity.
  • Consider extending collaboration if the LIM has shown exceptional performance.

We provide assistance and consultancy in this assessment, maximising the Legal Interim Manager’s impact on your team and ensuring strategic alignment and sustained benefits.

At Steve Skills, we are focused on not just finding the right Legal Interim Manager for your needs, but on transforming each collaboration into a powerhouse of productivity and expertise.

For additional tips, industry insights, practical strategies to enhance your recruiting efforts and valuable resources on legal recruitment, make sure to visit and follow our LinkedIn page.

If you’re considering hiring a Legal Interim Manager or need help with your legal staffing requirements:

Contact us today