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How to give feedback as a manager?

How to give feedback as a manager?

How to give feedback as a manager?

Recently, LinkedIn surveyed 3,000 professionals and asked them about the trait they found most frustrating in a manager. Surprisingly, the most common frustration wasn’t micromanagement or poor communication, but rather the lack of fostering team members’ development. How can managers better support their teams’ growth?

Providing feedback is a key part of the effective management and professional development.

Let’s explore top three things to keep in mind when giving feedback!

1. Schedule meeting timely and 1-on-1

Conduct feedback conversations at the right place and time to ensure your junior college is open and receptive. In the legal profession, confidentiality and professionalism are paramount.  Save your feedback for a private 1-on-1 conversation rather than addressing it immediately after a team meeting or in a public setting.

This approach prevents unnecessary stress and maintains the integrity of your team. Additionally, be timely with your feedback. If an associate secures a major win or exhibits a performance issue in November, don’t wait until the March performance review to address it.

2. Be specific & tactful

Clearly outline the situation that needs adjustment and explain its significance. For instance, “In our client meeting, the excessive legal terminology seemed to confuse rather than clarify the situation for our client. Let’s aim to communicate in plain language that our clients can easily understand, ensuring they are fully informed and confident in our strategy.

Additionally, your feedback strategy will benefit from using “I” statements to express concerns gently, such as, “I’m concerned about the tone you used with the client today,” rather than using accusatory language. This approach fosters a constructive dialogue and respects the professionalism expected in legal environments.

Continious learning

3. Promote collaborative problem-solving

Provide your team members with an opportunity to propose a solution. This will allow you to hear their perspective and create an environment for mutual understanding. For example, “After our contract review, I noticed the client was unsure about the indemnification clauses due to legal terminology. Let’s simplify our explanations for clarity. How do you think we can adjust our approach to enhance client understanding? Let’s work together on this to ensure our clients feel confident in our legal counsel.

This collaborative process ensures clarity and alignment within legal teams. Moreover, it demonstrates your commitment to working together towards effective solutions.

Giving feedback can help strengthen the mental resilience of your team. With the right tone and clarity, you can drive the organisational success to the new hights. Stay ahead in your career! Don’t miss our upcoming blog posts on essential skills and career development tips. Let’s work together to take your career to the next level!